Membership with the OATA is of interest to Art Therapists in practice, Art Therapy trainees and professionals in related fields; all of whom have an interest in maintaining high standards in Art Therapy and in receiving current information related to the field of Art Therapy. Active membership in the OATA offers the support of a regulating body, strengthens the credibility of our profession, and provides opportunities for networking and growth.
As an OATA member, benefits you will receive include:
- LIABILITY INSURANCE options are available for Professional members.
- TAPESTRY, the newsletter of the OATA
- CONFERENCES are hosted bi-annually by OATA
- ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGs are hosted annually by OATA and often include extra workshops, training and further education.
- DISCOUNTS are available for members for Conferences and other events hosted by OATA
- OATA DIRECTORY is a list of current members in good standing with OATA and is posted publicly for service users looking for an Art Therapist.
- ETHICS COMMITTEE, members have access to the Ethics Committee as a resource and guide to ethical decision making.
- MEMBERSHIP ONLY SECTION. With your membership you will have access to OATA’s member only section on the website which is your portal to many of the benefits mentioned above.
- JOB POSTINGS are listed when available on the OATA website, as well as requests for services from people looking for Art Therapists.
- Access to an ONLINE SCHOLARLY LIBRARY. In recognition of the need for research and writing in the Art Therapy profession, OATA has made access to scholarly articles and academic journals accessible to our membership.